34 research outputs found

    Aspectos cuantitativos y temáticos de la producción científica del Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1984-2003)

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    Using a methodology based on the cites received by the researchers of the “Biblioteconomía y Documentación” Area of the UCM, a study about main researchers and publications is done, also taking into account the influence of the UCM in other academic and profesional institutions, and the more relevant topics covered. It is a case study previous to the qualitative analysis of the cites, that is described and considered as a valid tool to improve the results of the traditional quantitative method

    Evaluación formal de blogs con contenidos académicos y de investigación en el área de Documentación

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    Weblogs –or blogs– are tools for editing and publishing any kind of contents in the Internet, in an easy and fast way. The research and academic community has taken advantage of these characteristics to interchange ideas and information, converting blogs in a new communication channel to disseminate and discuss new scientific advances. However, as it occurs in other traditional means of scientific communication, it seems positive to establish some quality criteria to determine the capabilities of a blog to be considered a reliable way to interchange scientific ideas. In this article formal quality aspects are analysed, not taking into account, in this first approach, the quality of contents

    Formal assessment of academic and scientific blogs on information science

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    Weblogs (or blogs) are tools for editing and publishing all types of content on the Internet, easily and quickly. The research and academic community has taken advantage of them for exchanging ideas and information, thus converting blogs into a new communication channel to disseminate and discuss new scientific advances. However, as has occurred with other traditional means of scientific communication, it would be useful to establish quality criteria for determining the extent to which blogs are a reliable way to exchange scientific ideas. In this article the quality of the formal structure of the blogs is analysed, as opposed to the quality of their content

    La sequía en España: análisis del fenómeno a través del estudio de las noticias de prensa recogidas por Hispagua durante el año 2005

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    This paper analizes the 2005 press news related to the drought in Spain, obtained in a database included in the Hispagua information service. The more prolific institutions, as well as the distribution of the press news in relation with their geographical origin and the topics treated, taking special interest in political information, have been studied.El servicio de información Hispagua recoge una selección de las noticias que tratan sobre el agua. En este artículo se estudian aquellas correspondientes al año 2005 sobre el problema de la sequía, en todos sus aspectos. Se ha realizado el análisis de los organismos e instituciones con mayor protagonismo en dicho tema, así como la distribución de las noticias atendiendo a su procedencia geográfica y a su temática, con especial seguimiento de las informaciones de carácter político que se sucedieron durante el periodo analizado

    Qualitas scientiae database: applying qualitative citation analysis to Spanish journals of information science (1996-2004)

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    The Qualitas Scientiae database is the result of an application of Qualitative Citation methodology to Spanish Journals in the field of Information Science in the period between 1996 and 2004. The sample of journals follows that of database IN-RECS, developed by the University of Granada. In turn, the findings of Qualitas Scientiae are compared to those of IN-RECS

    Extra-virgin olive oil contains a metabolo-epigenetic inhibitor of cancer stem cells

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    We are grateful to Custodio Borrego for giving us free use of the photograph he took of EVOO and olive trees in Granada (Spain), which have been included in Figure 7. This work has been awarded with the IV Premio Internacional Castillo de Canena de Investigación Oleícola ‘LUIS VAÑÓ’(IV Edition of Castillo de Canena LUIS VAÑÓ Award for Research on Olive Cultivation and Olive Oil; UC Davis Olive Center, Castillo de Canena, and Universidad de Jaén).The authors would like to thank Dr Kenneth McCreath for editorial support. We are greatly indebted to Prof Robert A. Weinberg (Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA) for providing the HMLERshCntrol/HMLERshEcad cells used in this work.Targeting tumor-initiating, drug-resistant populations of cancer stem cells (CSC) with phytochemicals is a novel paradigm for cancer prevention and treatment. We herein employed a phenotypic drug discovery approach coupled to mechanism-of-action profiling and target deconvolution to identify phenolic components of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) capable of suppressing the functional traits of CSC in breast cancer (BC). In vitro screening revealed that the secoiridoid decarboxymethyl oleuropein aglycone (DOA) could selectively target subpopulations of epithelial-like, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH)-positive and mesenchymal-like, CD44+CD24−/low CSC. DOA could potently block the formation of multicellular tumorspheres generated from single-founder stem-like cells in a panel of genetically diverse BC models. Pretreatment of BC populations with noncytotoxic doses of DOA dramatically reduced subsequent tumor-forming capacity in vivo. Mice orthotopically injected with CSC-enriched BC-cell populations pretreated with DOA remained tumor-free for several months. Phenotype microarray-based screening pointed to a synergistic interaction of DOA with the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin and the DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitor 5-azacytidine. In silico computational studies indicated that DOA binds and inhibits the ATP-binding kinase domain site of mTOR and the S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) cofactorbinding pocket of DNMTs. FRET-based Z-LYTE™ and AlphaScreen-based in vitro assays confirmed the ability of DOA to function as an ATP-competitive mTOR inhibitor and to block the SAM-dependent methylation activity of DNMTs. Our systematic in vitro, in vivo and in silico approaches establish the phenol-conjugated oleoside DOA as a dual mTOR/DNMT inhibitor naturally occurring in EVOO that functionally suppresses CSC-like states responsible for maintaining tumorinitiating cell properties within BC populations.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Grant SAF2016-80639-P to J.A.M.), Plan Nacional de I+D+I, Spain, the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR; Grant 2014 SGR229 to J.A.M.), Departament d’Economia i Coneixement, Catalonia, Spain, the Andalusian Regional Government Council of Innovation and Science (Grant P11-CTS-7625 to A.S.-C.), the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain (Grants AGL2015- 67995-C2-3-R and AGL2015-67995-C3-1-R to A.S.-C. and V.M.) and Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura I Esport, Generalitat Valenciana, Spain (Grant PROMETEO/2016/006 to V.M). E.C. is supported by the Sara Borrell post doctoral contract (CD15/00033) from the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS), Spain

    Top Ten. Diez años de investigación española en Biblioteconomía y Documentación (1996-2006). Ranking e índice h de los 10 autores en activo más citados

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    Through the quantitative citation analysis of the ten most active researchers in the Spanish Information Sciences field during the period 1996-2006, the most important publications and topics are described. Comparing the figures of each individual author with the average number of cites received by the top ten researchers, the evolution over time of the authors’ impact is analysed, describing the most important topics and issues published.A través del análisis cuantitativo de las citas recibidas por los diez autores en activo más influyentes durante el decenio 1996-2006 en el área de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, se analizan las obras y temáticas más influyentes del periodo. Mediante la comparación con el número medio de citas recibidas por los diez investigadores más significativos, se detalla la evolución de las citas recibida por cada uno de ellos a lo largo del periodo estudiado, así como sus producciones más relevantes y las temáticas donde han provocado cierto impacto en la comunidad científica

    Recepción de la obra otletiana en España a través del análisis cualitativo de citas

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    This paper presents an analysis of the dissemination of Paul Otlet ideas in Spain, from the first Spanish authors that mentioned his work, until the last works published in that country. A qualitative analysis of the cites has been carried out, focused on the Spanish authors specialized in Otlet's ideas, in order to determine the most relevant authors and works on this topic. Also, an simple map has been designed, with the aim to present a graphic model to explain how Otlet's ideas have been disseminated among the Spanish scientific community. Finally, the most important problems derived of the application of a qualitative methodology have been described

    Recepción de la obra otletiana en España a través del análisis cuantitativo de citas

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    En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de cómo se ha difundido la teoría documental de Paul Otlet en España, desde sus primeros introductores a las últimas aportaciones en este campo. La metodología utilizada ha sido el análisis cualitativo de las citas recibidas por los autores españoles especializados en la obra otletiana, con objeto de determinar los investigadores más relevantes y sus obras señeras, así como trazar un mapa donde quede reflejada la forma en que dichas ideas se han transmitido a través de la cadena de conocimiento científico. Además, se realiza una serie de reflexiones sobre la metodología cualitativa, con objeto de señalar sus principales debilidades y fortalezas. | This paper presents an analisys of the dissemination of Paul Otlet ideas in Spain, from the fisrt Spanish authors that mentioned his works, until the last works published in our country. A qualitative analysis of the citations has been carried out, focused on the Spanish authors specialized in Otletâs ideas, in order to determine the most relevant authors and works on this topic. Also, an easy map has been designed, with the aim to present a graphic model to explain how Otletâs ideas has been disseminated among Spanish scientific community. Finally, the most important problems derived of the application of a qualitative methodology has been described

    Los sistemas de gestión editorial como medio de mejora de la calidad y la visibilidad de las revistas científicas

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    Publication of scientific journals is governed by a management model that controls multiple processes and roles, and affects the quality of the published contents. The advantages of software packages specifically designed for journal management and publishing are described, analysing their relevance to several areas that determine the final quality of the journal (managerial flexibility, efficiency, standardisation, visibility, impact and other added values). Lastly, we present several key points to be considered before choosing one of these software packages, as well as a brief description of the most popular options, both commercial and freely available (usually based on an Open Source code)